Due to the fact that I created this brief in a short amount of time this is the first draft and final brief, it may be edited over the next few weeks before the project starts but it will stay relatively similar to this version.
Rhys McKenzie
Rhys McKenzie
Transdisciplinary Animation Brief
Creative Process
Chosen Discipline:
For my animation I have chosen to integrate the discipline of automotive engineering and more specifically the application and function of a turbo charger. A turbo charger works by using exhaust gases from the engine to spin up a turbine that then forces additional air in through the intake manifold and into the cylinders of the engine. This increases the power and torque output of the engine which is generally seen as a positive thing.
Animation Application:
In order to apply concept of the turbo to animation I simplified it to it’s basic operation which is taking exhaust gas (waste) and utilising it to improve performance (make the end product better). In terms of animation I intend to take all materials that are usually wasted during a project and find a way to include them into the final product. ‘Waste’ will include things like early concepts, notes, animatics and so forth- pieces of work that are created that don’t usually make it into the final product. The aim of this application is to make an animation that is comprised of all work that went in to making it, not just the fine tuned shot selection and ‘clean frames’.
Idea and Content Generation:
The process of trying to integrate various forms of work that don't usually make it into final products will generate ideas within itself without having to look for outside the project for inspiration.
Project Completion:
Even though this project will contain content that is not traditionally in a final animation the animation itself will still be traditional in the way that it has a subject, beginning, middle and end with the unorthodox work fitting in to these predefined sections.
Final Presentation:
Given my chosen discipline I believe that creating a standard digital video will be the easiest way to encompass all the work, even if the work was originally done in a physical medium it could be photographed and introduced that way.
Project Scope
Animation Length:
Given the 8 week length of the project this allows me to create an animation of decent length, exactly how long is hard to determine at this time because there are going to be unforeseen events or processes I am going to have to integrate into the animation process because of the changes I am making. In saying this I believe the animation could end up being on the longer because the final product will have extra content in it.
Software and Tools:
Adobe Animate will most likely be the dominant program used in the creation of this project. This is due to the fact that using a 2D platform will make it easier to incorporate other mediums of work such as sketches or pictures opposed to a 3D platform.
This project will most likely be produced in a traditional digital video format because this will be the easiest and most concise way into incorporate all the work done for the project, opposed to a physical display or something to that effect.
Restrictions/ Paramaters:
In terms of usable software and mediums I will be able to work in I will have plenty of freedom because any work done for the project will automatically become part of the project however one restriction I might run into is the narrative of the animation. Because I’m going to be adding in work from different mediums and work that traditionally isn't used in animation productions, like notes or other pieces of inspiration no matter how odd they may be, this will limit the potential narrative options as only so may topics will allow for such a mix of content and actually have it make sense to exist within the animation.
Project Objective
Determining Project Quality:
This will be harder to determine than in some animations as much of the content will be rough or unfinished work so the actual quality of individual components will vary greatly. I think if the end project looks aesthetically pleasing as a whole this will indicate that the quality is on par. Whether or not I have done a good job will be decided on audience reaction given I am trying to demonstrate a point to fellow animators. Even if only one other animator agrees that this animation method has merit of inspires someone to try it or something similar I think this project could be considered successful.
Target Audience:
For a project such as this my target audience would actually be fellow animators. I feel like so much good work is disregarded and thrown away in the traditional animation process and I would like to give an example where all of this work can be added to the project and actually raise the quality of the project or improve it in some way.
Purpose/ Expectations:
This project is as much a message as it is for my own entertainment. I would like this project to serve as an example that there are other, more efficient ways of creating interesting animations without having to disregard material created early in the development pipeline because it wasn't polished enough for the final product. Obviously my example will be an extreme case where all work will be incorporated into the final product but the idea is that this type of thing can be done and have a positive effect on the final product.
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