Thursday, 15 September 2016

New Idea: Turbos

I've had a new idea for my specific application to the animation process, one that I think fits in better and gives me an interesting idea I'd like to pursue. My new idea is using the concept of a turbo charger in the animation process. Fortunately I already have some knowledge on turbo systems so I don't have to do much research at all. Turbos basically use the exhaust gasses produced by your engine to spin up a turbine which sucks in air that is cooled and then forced into the engine (hence why turbos are known as 'forced induction') this additional air means there is more oxygen in the cylinder during compression which creates a bigger explosion which means more power. So to simplify we are taking waste from your car and indirectly using it to increase the power output of the engine or 'improve' it. My idea to extend this to the animation process is to take all the 'waste' like early concepts, mood board images, reference images, animatics, etc and incorporate these into the final product. I am feeling for confident about this idea because it seems to fit this assignment better and I think this 'no waste' idea could give interesting results.

Some research for reference:

Woodford, Chris. (2010) Turbochargers. Retrieved from

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